What are some mind-blowing facts about exercise, fitness and working out?

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Quels sont certains faits époustouflants sur l'exercice, la condition physique et l'entraînement?

I hope that this question will help whoever is in need of more information

6 Replies

gices Level 6

Exercise releases a hormone called endorphin, which reduces your perception of pain and makes you feel good about yourself. So if you're feeling down, just start doing some basic exercise at home (if you can't hit the gym) and you'll be happier.

When you exercise, you're more likely to lead a healthier lifestyle, so you'll stay away from junk food, alcohol and cigarettes. It's psychology, you wouldn't want your hard work to go to waste. You'll have better people in your life as well :)

You'll also realise that through hard work, pretty much everything is achievable. This is not just for building muscle but your mentality changes and you apply the same principles in other aspects of your life; at work, in your relationships or towards your dream.

What do you think?

sarah_7 Level 2

i tried to walk today with some help. I tend to be extremely stressed and suffocated without sports

gices Level 6

And how did it go? Were you able to make some progress with the walking?

sarah_7 Level 2

I had too much pain -_-

gices Level 6

I'm sorry to hear that. Take it one day at a time and soon you'll be back doing weighted dips :)

sarah_7 Level 2

that's why i'm doing.