Installating wordpress with softaculous takes a lot of disk space

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I've noticed that when I install Wordpress with the one-click installation software Softaculous, it takes more disk space than it should. If I do it manually, wordpress only takes about 10-11Mb but with Softaculous, it takes around 40Mb.

I'm on a shared hosting package with limited disk space, so this is causing a problem for me. I'd rather do it with the one click install software as it saves me time. Any suggestions?

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gices Level 6
When setting up your blog using softaculous, it creates a "Language" folder within the "wp-content" directory which consumes at least 26Mb of your hard drive. This is because it's supposed to be multi-lingual but if you're using wordpress only in English, then you can delete the "Language" folder to free up disk space.

This should bring down your disk problem significantly. You might want to check and see whether you're putting many plugins or themes and clear up things that you're not using. Have a look in "wp-uploads" as well to see if there are things which you don't require.